Regular and gentle application of spinal decompression treatments using the Backloop can provide relief from and, in many cases, totally eradicate back pain. Doctors agree as many sufferers have tried … [Read More...]

Dr. Chuck Tillotson: Hi, I'm Dr. Chuck with MyBackloop.Com. We're here at the TCU invitational track meet today, and we're going to see just what affect that my Backloop has on some premier runners with their ultimate goal, going to the 2016 Olympics … [Continue Reading]
Perhaps the best way to understand how the Backloop Really Works is to hear it straight from the source. Hear what others are saying about the benefits of the Backloop to their health and fitness. No better proof than others' experience. … [Continue Reading]
Perhaps the best way to understand how the Backloop Really Works is to hear it straight from the source. Hear what others are saying about the benefits of the Backloop to their health and fitness. No better proof than others' experience. … [Continue Reading]
Synopsis from Dr. Chuck Tillotson: We had a whole bunch of people jump. Around 60% of the people, 50 to 60, jumped an inch higher. Around 30% jumped 2 inches higher. We had one person, maybe 2, who jumped 3 inches higher after stretching in the … [Continue Reading]
The Backloop is always there when you need it at any moment. Easy to pack and tote for frequent and convenient use, you can take your Backloop to the office, to the gym, to anyplace you feel comfortable setting it up. That's a big part of the success … [Continue Reading]
For those on the long-haul, The Backloop is there with you each and every mile. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause a number of health problems. Truckers and other traveling professionals benefit from frequent relief afforded by Backloop … [Continue Reading]
Always available for regular treatment, the Backloop can be the most frequently relied upon therapeutic tools in your collection of health or performance enhancers. Health-related treatments are rarely this convenient and frequent application of … [Continue Reading]
Regular and gentle application of spinal decompression treatments using the Backloop can provide relief from and, in many cases, totally eradicate back pain. Doctors agree as many sufferers have tried … [Read More...]
Active people find the Backloop to be a great tool to increase flexibility. The more an athletic person is able to relax while exercising, playing, training, or competing, the better that person is … [Read More...]
Improved posture translates into better all-around health. A flexible spine offers more relaxed sitting or standing and encourages the muscular system to support the skeletal system and allow proper … [Read More...]