Synopsis from Dr. Chuck Tillotson: We had a whole bunch of people jump. Around 60% of the people, 50 to 60, jumped an inch higher. Around 30% jumped 2 inches higher. We had one person, maybe 2, who jumped 3 inches higher after stretching in the Backloop 30 times. The bottom line is, it improves … [Read more...]
TCU Invitational Track Meet Results from Using the Backloop
Dr. Chuck Tillotson: Hi, I'm Dr. Chuck with MyBackloop.Com. We're here at the TCU invitational track meet today, and we're going to see just what affect that my Backloop has on some premier runners with their ultimate goal, going to the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Dr. Chuck: Your runners have … [Read more...]
Website is Launched
Latest News! Hot Off the Press! Our website launch is happening as you read this. The Back Loop will be formally introduced at the Great American Trucking Show at the Dallas Convention Center August 22, 23, & 24. Dr. Chuck & Dr. Jan will be demonstrating the Backloop; assistants will be … [Read more...]