The Backloop is a simple, effective, upright pain relief decompression device that requires only minutes of use each day. You can even take it to work or on the road.
First, some background.
Spinal decompression involves the separation of the spinal vertebrae using gravitational forces. The user creates these forces by bending his or her knees while suspended from The Backloop. This creates a negative pressure within the disc, resulting in the narrowing of protruding discs, or what healthcare professionals call the “vacuum effect.” Imagine pulling a balloon from both ends and causing the middle of the balloon to shrink. This is similar to what happens to discs during decompression: protruded discs decrease in size, thereby relieving the pressure or compression on the nerve and addressing the source of pain, decreased function, and decreased muscle strength.
Commonly, decreased function is experienced as a weaker, less responsive muscle. Someone without symptoms have no idea that a problem even exists. They may sense that they are just not as strong as they once were, or they may not respond to exercise as they one did. Many times, this poor response is written off as age-related, when in fact it could be an indication of sub-clinical disc compression. Chiropractors, who specialize in applied kinesiology, are trained to identify and treat these poorly functioning muscles.
Most people today have disc compression, primarily due to our lifestyles and careers. Many of us spend long days sitting at a computer, earning a living at the expense of our backs and bodies. Incorrect or poor spinal motion leads to Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). This is something of a misnomer. The joint, or disc, is not “diseased”; rather, it slowly breaks down or alters because of incorrect motion and poor fluid exchange. Although diet and nutrition play a role, a sedentary lifestyle and poor spinal motion are the biggest factors. Degeneration of any joint―in the hip or knee, for example, as well as the spine―is caused by absence or reduction of normal motion of that joint. If a joint moves improperly, it degenerates, sometimes slowly, sometimes not. It is a self-perpetuating cycle that a doctor may blame on your age, or “normal wear and tear.”
In other words, our health depends on correction motion, which is why active people tend to experience less pain. Correct motion of the spine allows nutrient-enriched fluid to circulate among the vertebrae and nerves, and to re-hydrate the discs.
The Backloop helps revive the correct motion of the spine, allowing absorption of nutrients and removal of toxins, facilitating the natural healing process to take place. The technology is new, but the value of decompression has long been recognized. For example, medical imaging such as MRI’s and Digital Motion X-Rays continue to demonstrate the benefits of decompression. Many chiropractors, osteopaths, and physical therapists incorporate spinal decompression into their treatment programs for their patients. I have done this for years. The benefits of spinal decompression, however, are not always lasting, because we continually subject our spines to incorrect motion.
This problem prompted me to invent The Backloop. Having access to spinal decompression at home or on the road, for frequent short treatments, helps users maintain spinal health and optimize muscle function, day in and day out. Only The Backloop offers this easy access to spinal decompression.