First thought of it is: “Am I doing this right?…Ok, well maybe I should breathe… oh, wait…. that felt good!” And the third or fourth time I went down, there was No Pain! While hanging there I went “Oh…that felt good!”
That kept me going back. Every time I get up, if I have low back pain, I will have NO Back pain when I’m done with the loop.
Since I’m looking at a computer all day, the neck muscles tend to tense up and from sitting, the back (also tenses up). So by doing the loop, I actually have no pain today.
Sitting with my posture, then with using the Loop, I have basically almost no neck pain and then very little back pain. It depends on how much I’ve been using the Loop. But, virtually, almost 95% difference in neck and back (pain).
It allows me to actually sit longer. It gives me better posture actually. Now I sit up better instead of hunching over. So, when I’m sitting at the desk, I’m more aware of how I need to be sitting. And then at lunch time, I go and use my Loop again to make sure that posture stays.
Usually, at the end of the day, I’m kind of getting up like (groan), and now, I just pop right up and just go cook dinner, or get in the car and go somewhere. It’s a big difference.