I’ve been in the beer business for almost 20 years. So, over time, I guess you could probably say I’ve abused my back. I don’t really lift that much beer anymore, but still, that’s part of the job. You have to get in there and move some beer. So, after 20 years of being in this business, I probably have a, I don’t know if I’d say I have a “chronic” bad back, but I have a lot of problems. And the Loop just helps me on a daily basis.
In the past, my back, once it started hurting, it would just be a down-hill slide.
I’ve been using the Loop for approximately 3 months. I use it three times a day, when I first get up in the morning, when I get home from work in the afternoon, and before I go to bed. It takes about maybe three, four minutes at the most. I do between ten and fifteen reps. They take about five – ten seconds each. It gives you a nice stretch. If you back feels tight, it really gives it a nice stretch. And sometimes, you can even feel your back pop as you put your weight into it.
With decompression, you have to go to an office, to a chiropractor and use the machine there, you know, schedule a time. With the Loop, you got it right there, right at home. It’s easy to use. You don’t have to get all strapped into anything, you just get in the Loop. It’s easy.